Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Initial Ideas For Font

Style 1

I think this font would be good for my magazine as it is very "Rock" looking as the writting is very weird and each letter is different and has different instruments in it. i also like it as it automatically caught my eye when i see it.

Style 2

When i saw this font i wasnt sure if i liked it or not however i decided to add it to my ideas as it is very different and has different meanings, although the title of the magazine will be in this font the font is also made to look like it is made out of rock therfore has multiple meanings and shows the audience that the genre of music is rock if they wasnt already sure.

Style 3

I really like this font as it is quite simple but in a way is scary looking. i think this font would work well with the image of magazine i have in mind. i would be stretched across the top of the magazine and be in black.

Style 4

This font is one of my favourite fonts as it is very simple and plain however would stand out very well as a heading on my magazine againt i would have it stretched across the whole of the top of the page and have it in black i think it would look very mysterious and unique.

Here are some of the different fonts that I will be including into my magazine I will use a various amount of different fonts as I think the more fonts that are shown the more this will catch the audience eye. As they have more to look at for example, bold text and bigger text than other text. I will just use a various different amount of texts. i really like ICT BOOKMAN DEMI as i think this is very simple however looks very stylish and attractive. I also like PALATINO as it is very different and you dont usually see this font on magazines very often. And i also very like AVANTE GARDE as this is again very simple and straight forward however would look very good in bold and would catch the viewers eye.

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