Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Initial ideas for stories

50 anniversary - This story would reflect in both the Front page and the double page spread, In the double page spread i would have a big interview going on with lots of different people who have been shown in the magazine throughout the previous years. It would be a special edition of the magazine. On the front page i would have a girl close up with her guitar with special edition wrote on the guitar and along the side in big writing i would have a piece of writing to the audience which informs them of the anniversary therefore would link up very well to the double page spread.

Glam Rock! - This story would be the biggest story advertised on the front page with the main girl looking very glamorous with all the latest fashion accessories on (to show that the girl has took tips from the magazine). And inside on the double page spread would be how to transform your old look into a new more glamorous rock chick image.

The Big Interview! - This story would obviously be about a girl called Rosanna who is being interviewed by the magazine there would be a picture of Rosanna on the front looking very happy also with large text on the front as this would encourage the public to buy the magazine even more, And inside on the double page spread there will be an interview which will be laid out in collums with a big picture of Rosanna.

Music Festival Madness - This story would be about a specific festival that went on a few weeks ago this story would have all the latest gossip in it about the music festival and all the madness that went on. On the front page there will be a group of people standing over a field getting ready to watch the music from the festival and on the double page spread their will be another few pictures that show they are at the festival which columns of writting about it.

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